
Trefoil Knot


Speaker Horns

What Is It?

Mesher is a extension module for the trueSpace Python language that is capable of creating objects based on a set of points and faces. It also provides the ability to perform Boolean operations upon objects, either by name or by selection.


The images to the right were created using the Mesher extension.

The trefoil knot was created using this script.

The speaker horns were created with the following script using this data (please note, I'm not an expert at speaker horns. The script is only an example of how one can use a file containing coordinate information for vertices).


Using the Mesher extension module is fairly simple. One only need to create the set of points and faces according to the specification below, and call the create() function to create a brand new object.

The create() function takes two parameters:

Mesher.create(points, faces)

The points need to be a list of the form

[ [x1, y1, z1], ..., [xn, yn, zn] ]

with at least three points specified, and the faces need to be a list of the form

[ [p1, ..., pn], ..., [q1, ..., qm] ]

where the number of points for each face need to be at least three, the offset into the point list is zero-based.


The extension is available for download for trueSpace 5.x/6.0 or trueSpace 4.x (only tested in 4.3).

for trueSpace 5.x or 6.0 for trueSpace 4.0


This extension is not bug-free. Really. :) Please feel free to contact me regarding any problem, and I'll see what I can do about it. However, no crashes have been reported by any user to date.

Please Note

The extension is capable of performing union, intersection and subtraction on objects. However, this functionality is experimental and may cause a crash of trueSpace and possibly your computer if used incorrectly (see the instructions for more details. It is related to giving incorrect parameters to the functions).

tsPython Development

As I'm currently not actively working on further enhancements in the extension (I'm working on some unrelated tsx stuff at the moment), I've decided to put together a page showing the necessary steps for the creation of a tsPython extension, just in case someone feels ambitious.

tsPython Development Information



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Copyright © 2002 Quantum Chamaeleon
Last modified: October 8, 2002